I’m convinced that A NEW ART is a powerful tool that can help humanity pass this evolutionary portal into a new phase, into a new image of humanity and earth, if we choose so. This Art Manifesto is an inspiration to step up and be this change. It is an evolving concept and being and therefore in constant evolution and change. Therefore, I invite you to come back and read it anew from time to time.

A Manifesto is only a concept that needs to be put into action, in order to become reality. Therefore, I call this Manifesto a MANIFACTION.   

The trigger for this „Manifaction“ is the current existential crisis we are facing as humanity and planet, and my belief in art as a tool that can inspire and activate our transformation into conscious, self realized and wise individuals, who create the new earth, new world they dream of.

This crisis is a result of a prolonged human dis-connection, resulting in a very restricted, fragmented worldview, that by now reduces every thing, every being to a mere material resource to exploit.
We’ve practiced this distorted worldview for millennia, an intense experience that's been engraved in our psyche for generations. However, that doesn’t mean it’s all there is and things can’t be any other way. We can and have to bring this experience to a closure, by understanding its meaning and learning its lessons. Change means to become aware of our expectations and attachments, to things being only the way they were, when in fact, things (big and small, planetary and personally) can be any way YOU want them to be. However, you need to KNOW what you want, and for that, you need to become a conscious human and Know Thyself.
All possibilities are here and now, and you can choose which one you give your energy to: the old world, that is leaving, or to the materialization of the new world that is awaiting.
We are what we perceive, therefore everything, every change, begins and ends within.

Art is a tool that can help us achieve this state. I’m aware I’m going big with this project, as it is about literally changing the world through art.
I’m convinced that art ist a powerful tool to help humanity to pass this evolutionary portal into a new phase, into a new image of humanity and earth, if we choose so.

Manifesto – Manifaction:
The word contains the Hand (Manus), and the feast, referring to spreading something that is in our heart to the world through our hands in a joyful way. What a beautiful way to describe the artistic process!
A huge part of (my) art is indeed handicraft: Working and feeling with and through my hands, from my heart and body, with its own knowledge and wisdom, and spreading it to the world through the body of the art work, which is always a joyful act!



The beginning of the journey to BEARTHUMANITY is to BE. To be fully here, be present, be authentic, be your truest self, be all of who you really are.

BEING means to recognize everything/everyone outside of oneself (no matter if animate or not) as another, equal, Being, with whom we can connect and communicate. This connection takes place on many levels simultaneously: on a mental, word based level, on an emotional level, through feelings and on a physical level through our senses. 

Being is not equal to KNOWING. Knowing involves the rational mind, that needs facts, dates, references. It categorizes and splits into boxes, into good and bad. (Science as a word refers to the process of taking something that is whole, slicing it into pieces, in order to look at a single piece out of the whole, unfortunately without putting the pieces back together). 

Being is holistic and therefore more than knowing. It includes knowledge that we have embodied through our own experience. We all know the difference between an experience we lived through (physically, emotionally, mentally) and an experience we are only reading or told about. BEING is incarnated knowledge, being is to become that knowledge that we experienced through all our filters (physical, emotional, mental). Which also involves facing our unconscious shadow parts. Without them, we are incomplete and cannot fully BEcome. Being is a conscious state, a state that emerges from the integrated conscious and unconscious and thus has access to our full potential. 

The conscious Being is the „I Am“. The Being in a state of individuation, that is in full awareness of and responsibility for itself yet simultaneously aware of its connection to everything else on all levels. 


El ARTE es un medio, una herramienta para conectarnos con otros seres, con la Tierra y con todas las dimensiones de nuestro propio ser. El arte es una tecnología que nos permite integrar todas nuestras partes inconscientes para volver a estar completos y recordar quiénes somos.

SER es un requisito previo para hacer ARTE, que es la práctica de exploración y expresión de la conexión y comunicación de SER a SER.

El arte surge de este estado de SER, una conexión que involucra dimensiones mentales, emocionales y físicas.

El ARTE es la expresión de esta conexión en diferentes formas y formas.

Para que el ARTE cumpla con este propósito, los artistas necesitan cultivar su estado de SER y, por lo tanto, de conexión con estos niveles dentro de sí mismos. Solo entonces, puede tener lugar una conexión con los demás en todos los niveles, que luego puede expresarse de una manera artística holística. Si elimina un nivel, la obra de arte resultante no será un SER completo.

SER está relacionado con estar vivo. Sí. Las obras de arte son seres vivos, solo si son abordadas y expresadas en todas las dimensiones.

Como consecuencia, el Arte es una tecnología espiritual, que ayuda al artista y al espectador a reconectarse y tomar conciencia de su propia multidimensionalidad y al mismo tiempo recordar su propio estado integral de SER.
Un Ser de integridad en el verdadero sentido de la palabra.


Todos sabemos que somos seres de la Tierra. Pero, ¿qué significa eso realmente?

Comencemos con lo obvio: estamos hechos de átomos y moléculas de la Tierra, vivimos en la Tierra y consumimos sus recursos, incluidas sus formas de vida. Tenemos una visión materialista de la Tierra y por lo tanto una relación unidimensional con la Tierra. Como resultado creamos un lío materialista, que ahora tratamos de arreglar de la misma manera que lo creamos. Sin embargo, algo interior nos dice que esta no es la forma de resolver y equilibrar los problemas que todavía parecen tan monumentales que sucumbimos a la impotencia como resultado de la visión actual del mundo.
Ahora veamos la TIERRA desde la perspectiva holística del SER. Percibir la Tierra como un ser nos ayuda a restablecer una conexión con la TIERRA en todos los niveles, mental, emocional, físico y, por lo tanto, espiritual (un estado natural para nuestros ancestros y culturas animistas nativas existentes, que veían todo como un ser animado, especialmente TIERRA como la Gran Madre, Pacha Mama, Gaia, por nombrar algunos.)
Conectarnos con la Tierra de esta manera multidimensional nos ayuda a arraigarnos en nuestro ser y superar la impotencia que es un efecto secundario de la visión materialista unilateral de la Tierra y la vida en general.

Ahora podemos abordar nuestra existencia en la TIERRA de una manera holística, que aborde las necesidades de todos los involucrados y que surja de nuestro ser autorrealizado, que pueda hacer frente a todos los problemas que surjan.
Una herramienta esencial para acercarse a la Tierra como un ser es a través del ARTE. Más preciso: a través de una nueva comprensión del art.

El arte en sí mismo es una herramienta para transformar los pensamientos en materia. Esta es la razón por la cual la palabra NACIMIENTO / NACIMIENTO es tan crucial para la BEARTH UMANIDAD concepto, yo como artista y dentro de mi arte. Veo al arte como la partera de la nueva TIERRA y de una nueva Humanidad.


What does it mean to be Human? Our humanness is currently challenged by the technological development:

In this current materialistic/mechanistic/digitalized view, the human is a hardware driven by the latest update of a software programmed by an outside source. It is a concept, that upholds the limited view of humanity we have experienced for millennia, through organized religion, dictatorships and economics: the human, who is dependent on an outside authority. 

I, personally, have found this view of the human being limited and frightening. 

However, it's through these contrasting experiences, that we find out what it means, to be human!
It is up to us to become aware what image of humanity we carry and create. 

Art has a crucial role to remind us of our humanness, our creative power and our ability to create everything out of our infinite potential.
Yes, if we like, we can create a harmonious cyborg society, we can also create an organic, diverse society that is connected to nature, to earth and to the cosmos. 

I personally find the latter more appealing, however, art can contribute to a balanced outcome in both cases.

Art can give technology a spiritual layer, a life force that it's lacking at this point in time. 

Remember: Art is a spiritual technology. Put it to good use and consciously co-create the humanity you desire. 


Be Unity – A State of Connection with All there is, because all is Me. Have you noticed? Humanity contains the word Unity:

We have a very narrow understanding and experience what Unity actually means in its integral sense. Viewed through a fragmented, limited persepective, like economics, unity is understood as Communism, where everyone is forced to be, do, think and behave THE SAME. 

I want to invite you to FEEL into the concept of unity. Rather perceiving it through a rational and limited perspective, be it political/economical/religious/social or historical, perceive it as an infinite ocean, that connects you to everything and everyone else. A state where you are able to be aware of yourself AND simultaneously of the whole ocean. 

Doing that, you move out of the "either-or" mentality that separates things, into a state of connectivity, you experience individual beingness and universal unity consciousness simultaneously. 

This connection is non judgmental, it doesn’t need to divide things into parts or play them against each other in order to understand them.


Nacimiento de una NUEVA TIERRA y una NUEVA HUMANIDAD a través de un NUEVO ARTE como partera.

Estoy convencido de que el artista es una herramienta poderosa que puede ayudar a la humanidad a pasar este portal evolutivo hacia una nueva fase, hacia una nueva imagen de la humanidad y la tierra, si así lo elegimos.

Este Manifiesto de Arte es una inspiración para dar un paso al frente y ser este cambio.


Art as spiritual Technology

We need a NEW ART in order to face and navigate the current monumental paradigm shift from the old to the new Earth and evolve in our understanding of our reality. Art must be a building tool for a new world, not a conservator of the old paradigm. We need a new Art, that can help us take this step into a new world consciously and responsibly.
BEARTHUMANITY I intend to create a new paradigm, that involves ART as a spiritual technology of self knowledge/empowerment/mastery. This new Art enables people to overcome their current state of stagnation and move on to consciously create and manifest the new reality, the new Earth they dream of

In this Manifesto I am reclaiming the role of Art as a tool, a spiritual technology, that helps us become self realized individuals who create a new humanity, a new earth, a new world, either as creators of art or as its recipients:

  • I see the new Art as a spiritual technology, that connects to all dimensions of being and expression (mental, emotional, physical).

  • I see the new Art as a multidimensional Being, a connector between beings (alive and non-alive).
  • I see the new Art as a helper in the process of Initiation into ones own mysteries of self.

  • I see the new Art as a tool to harmonize ourselves in order to communicate with Earth and with the other living beings including humans in a more balanced, non-judgemental way.

  • This new Art remembers its role in the evolution of EARTH, of human consciousness and in humanities awakening to an integrated multi dimensional species.

  • This new Art is an initiator into your creator capabilities, and helps you remember, that you hold the keys to manifestation of thoughts into matter.

  • This new Art is a huge catalyst and accelerates the process of awakening into the state of beingness in a way filled with beauty and joy!

  • This new Art helps not only dream of but embody the new Earth and the new world.

  • This new Art is a midwife for the Birth of a new EARTH and a NEW HUMAN(ITY).

    I am here to embody this new, conscious Art that needs to emerge.


The new EARTH is already here, it will become visible for us, once we develop and expand our multidimensional senses in order to be able to see, feel and touch this new EARTH.
Contrary to the old paradigm, we don’t have to work hard to do this, to gain academic knowledge or have all kinds of certificates to be capable and allowed to perceive this new Earth. However, what we need is to be authentic, step into our beingness and become fully conscious humans.

Art can be a huge catalyst and can accelerate this process of awakening into the state of beingness in a way filled with beauty and joy!

How will the new EARTH look like?

Well this answer is a very individual one. It will look the way YOU will manifest it. Through your aware beingness, you become conscious and can manifest the new EARTH consciously and responsibly.

Here, again, art is a big initiator to your own creator capabilities. It helps you understand (or rather remember) that you hold the keys to the manifestation of thoughts into matter

The new Earth, just like the old one, is a result of our individual (and humanity's) state of consciousness. The old world is a result of a predominantly unconscious humanity, whereas the new Earth will be a result of a conscious humanity, that is made up of self realized individuals.
The new Earth is therefore a conscious EARTH, a Being, with whom we can – already – communicate.


Ser versus Hacer

Como seres humanos, se nos ha enseñado que solo logramos grandes cosas trabajando duro, jugando duro, ganando mucho. En esta imagen de la humanidad, comenzamos como seres débiles e incompletos y tenemos que trabajar duro para subir la escalera de la valía. Hacer es el único camino hacia la abundancia material, financiera y emocional. Esta creencia da como resultado una búsqueda constante de realización en el mundo exterior, porque, después de todo, fue el mundo exterior el que nos enseñó que necesitamos estos logros en primer lugar.

Mundo interior versus mundo exterior

Vaya a su interior y pregúntese: ¿Realmente necesito ESTOS logros, son estas cosas realmente los deseos de mi corazón? ¿Me siento realizado? ¿Sé quién soy? ¿Por qué estoy aquí? ¿Cuál es mi propósito?

Para poder responder a estas preguntas, necesitamos salir de la rueda de hacer/buscar logros externos y volvernos hacia adentro y escuchar. Este estado es un estado de SER, no de hacer. Es un estado creativo, de donde emergen todas las cosas. Es el lugar de lo desconocido, que alberga todo nuestro potencial.

El arte como activador de la autoiniciación

El arte surge de este lugar de potencialidad desconocida y, por lo tanto, es un poderoso ayudante en este viaje interior de autodescubrimiento, autocreación y autodominio.

Los invito a utilizar el arte como una tecnología espiritual de autoiniciación, que puede inspirar y ayudar a que su profunda guía interna surja en su camino.
Llama al Arte que puede hacer esto por ti en todos los niveles de tu ser. Esto es válido tanto para los artistas como para los destinatarios del arte.
Mis propias obras de arte nacen inspiradas por estas mismas experiencias de autoiniciación, que yo mismo he hecho a lo largo de mi camino de autodescubrimiento, autodominio y autoconocimiento. Pongo/transmito estas experiencias en mis obras de arte, que luego emanan esta energía hacia el exterior, para que pueda ser recibida por el espectador que resuena con ellas.
Este camino nunca termina, sino que sube en espiral, de una etapa a la siguiente. También las obras de arte. Son de múltiples capas y multidimensionales. Van más allá del tiempo y el espacio. Por lo tanto, la misma obra de arte que hice hace muchos años todavía puede ser inspiradora y activadora en este punto de mi viaje o el tuyo. Al igual que el arte antiguo de hace milenios.

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