Art that transcends duality
On my own path of self discovery I’ve been often challenged by many life circumstances we are all familiar with: conflicts between my view and another’s, and the urge to be on the one right side, in personal or professional relationships, in business, politics or economics.
As humans, we want to identify with one right position and disregard the other. This either-or-mentality results in a fragmented view of reality and your own self. You feel something is left out, but you just can’t figure out what it is and how to solve it. These situations always left me feel unsatisfied, incomplete in real live. In these cases I turned to my art and expressed this state of disconnection and separateness in my art works. Here, I addressed the concept of duality, more accurately of polarity, in a way I couldn’t in real live, by bringing together the two opposing sides and thus forming one new whole where the two are complementing not fighting each other.
Often the infinity loop is the underlying compositional structure for these works. The infinity loop is the shape of the connection of the two poles, the torus, that has no beginning, and no end. The intersection is the zero point, the point of neutrality and infinite potential, that contains all possible outcomes.
Through these works I realized that Art can do something that nothing else can in our reality: bring together the opposites and merge them into ONE, that contains the whole potentiality and is in fact more than the sum of its parts. A very healing, „holifying“ process: When we look at these works, we see both states simultaneously: conflict and agreement, a fight and a dance, a duet and a duel, the two parts and the whole.
Polarity versus Duality
Polaridad literalmente significa los dos polos de un palo (tome por ejemplo el Eje de la Tierra: el Polo Norte y el Polo Sur son dos polos de un Eje). Estos polos o lados están conectados, son dos caras de la misma moneda y no se pueden romper. Forman el todo, son complementarios y ambos son necesarios, y se definen mutuamente. Izquierda-derecha, masculino-femenino, claro-oscuro, principio-final. Toma por ejemplo tus dos piernas: es difícil caminar con una sola pierna. El Yin-Yang es el símbolo más conocido de este concepto.
Dualidad en el entendimiento común es la división del todo/el eje/la moneda en dos unidades (polos), que van uno contra el otro.
Entonces, la polaridad es la danza entre los polos que forman el todo, mientras que la dualidad es la división del todo en partes, que van unas contra otras.
How you can approach these Art Works on Duality
and utilize them on your path of self discovery:
Open up, quiet your mind, breath in and with breathing out you let go of all mind chatter.
Look for any feelings of tension, the feeling of push and pull, feeling of being left outside of a situation, being unheard.
If you have an idea, ask a question that is related to these feelings or just open up to receive an inspiration.
Next, go through the works and find the art work that resonates deeply with your current situation on all levels of your being. You can do this either by scrolling through and consciously finding a work or just randomly pick one. Either way you will find the work, that you need at this point in time.
Now have a deeper look at it. It’s not the question, if you "like" the work or not.
Quiet your mind, open up within and let your inner intuition guide you. The work has a unique effect, inspiration or activation for you. It can be appealing or repelling. Know, that this is not the art work per se doing this, it's a mirror for a reaction within you, that you can now address: What do you see? A conflict, a duel? Or contentment, a duet? What comes up for you? Where are you in this image? What does it remind you of? What kind of feelings/images/memories does it evoke? Does it change, while you look at it? Be very attentive of what is happening. You connected with the work for a reason and now it is giving you your very personal unique message. That can come in mentally, as words, it can come in emotionally, physically as bodily sensations, it can be a spiritual experience. Know that there is no right or wrong here. Don't judge the process but receive the experience, as it is your co-creation and therefore unique to you. When you finish this, you can come back the next day, and see if your perception changed. Maybe now you see the other side you haven’t seen before? You can do this process either here, directly on the screen or you can purchase an art print of that work and use it in its physical form as a guide, if you want to go deeper into this process.
Purchase an affordable art print on my website or get in touch with me regarding the availability of the original work.
If you want this process to be authentic and in integrity, I kindly ask you to respect my creative work and copyright, and make no private, unauthorized prints of my works. Thank you.